jeudi 26 février 2015

Descriptive Hapi/Joi validation error

I've been trying to implement Joi in our node application (joi as standalone, not with hapi) and it seems to validate the schema properly but the error is always the same

[ValidationError: value must be an object]
name: 'ValidationError',
[ { message: 'value must be an object',
path: 'value',
type: 'object.base',
context: [Object] } ],

I never get the specifics on which key it failed on and description of why it failed.

this is a sample schema I'm using:

exports.workersSchema =
workers: joi.array({
id: joi.string().alphanum(),
wID: joi.object({
idValue: joi.string().alphanum()
person: {
governmentIDs: joi.array({itemID: joi.string().alphanum()}),
legalName: joi.object({
givenName: joi.string(),
middleName: joi.string(),
preferredSalutations: joi.array(
salutationCode: {
longName: joi.string()

preferredName: joi.object().keys({
FormattedName: joi.string()
birthDate: joi.string().alphanum()

What am i doing wrong here? I even tried to follow something on the blog and while the examples were showing detailed info I never got anything besides

"value must be an object"

Thank you so much for the help!

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