mardi 31 mars 2015

Dynamic attach event to socket (

In this example code "offer" event transmits some data from one client to another through server. Although, it doesn't works now)

//server side
var ioSpace = io.of('/channel_name');
ioSpace.on('connection', function(socket) {
var calleeID = '1e-hBUBhwhUUQo8pAAAC';

socket.on('offer', function(data) {
var callee = io.sockets.connected[calleeID]; = '/channel_name';

callee.once('answer', function(data) {
//To do something

callee.emit('offer', data);

This data transmitted to server from second client.

42/channel_name,["answer",<some data>"type":"answer"}]

but event 'answer' don't working.

And this code = '/channel_name';

looks dirty. Anybody know how best to do here?

It task can be solved with another flags/if/else logic, but interesting concrete this approach - get socket with its namespace by id, attach once event to it, send data and waiting answer. 1.3.5, node.js 0.12.0.

So. After some code and manual reading:

//server side
var ioSpace = io.of('/channel_name');
ioSpace.on('connection', function(socket) {
var calleeID = '1e-hBUBhwhUUQo8pAAAC';

socket.on('offer', function(data) {
var callee = ioSpace.connected[calleeID];

callee.once('answer', function(data) {
//To do something

callee.emit('offer', data);

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