dimanche 19 avril 2015

What is the correct way to extend a grunt task based on a few others?

I currently am creating a custom Grunt task for my application. It does several things, and in order to achieve these, I use a few existing Grunt tasks.

Below is how I have chosen to create my task, by aggregating these others.What I would like to know, is this a common way of extending a task or is there a better way?

Functionally it works, but I some how feel this is a hack?

module.exports = function (grunt) {


var _ = require('lodash');

var options = this.options();

grunt.registerTask('custom-task-name', 'Custom task description', function () {

// Config ommited for brevity.
clean: {
mkdir: {
copy: {
shell: {

var tasks = ['clean', 'mkdir:target', 'copy:target', 'shell:target'];


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