dimanche 29 mars 2015

Mongodb issues on AWS

I have been trying to install Mongodb on my AWS EC2 instance to work with a Node.js server I wrote.

Following this guide I was able to "install" monogdb

However I set to aliases to the paths of mongod and mongo since the paths were dropped when I logged out

alias mongod='/home/ec2-user/mongodb/mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.0.0/bin/mongod'
alias mongo='/home/ec2-user/mongodb/mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.0.0/bin/mongo'

I can start the mongo server using this alias no problem.

However when I run node server.js, I get

throw message;
AssertionError: {"name":"MongoError","ok":0,"errmsg":"ns not found"} == null
at /home/ec2-user/project/server.js:38:13
at /home/ec2-user/project/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1217:20
at /home/ec2-user/project/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1194:16
at /home/ec2-user/project/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1903:9
at Server.Base._callHandler (/home/ec2-user/project/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/base.js:453:41)
at /home/ec2-user/project/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/server.js:487:18
at MongoReply.parseBody (/home/ec2-user/project/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/responses/mongo_reply.js:68:5)
at null.<anonymous> (/home/ec2-user/project/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/server.js:445:20)
at emit (events.js:95:17)
at null.<anonymous> (/home/ec2-user/project/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/connection/connection_pool.js:207:13)

I've searched around a bit for this error but, couldn't find anything. The odd part is I can see the incoming connection in the screened mongod proccess. As such

2015-03-29T20:40:45.782+0000 I NETWORK [initandlisten] connection accepted from #34 (1 connection now open)
2015-03-29T20:40:45.782+0000 I NETWORK [initandlisten] connection accepted from #35 (2 connections now open)
2015-03-29T20:40:45.783+0000 I NETWORK [initandlisten] connection accepted from #36 (3 connections now open)
2015-03-29T20:40:45.783+0000 I NETWORK [initandlisten] connection accepted from #37 (4 connections now open)
2015-03-29T20:40:45.784+0000 I NETWORK [initandlisten] connection accepted from #38 (5 connections now open)
2015-03-29T20:40:46.721+0000 I COMMAND [conn35] CMD: drop data.page-1
2015-03-29T20:40:46.749+0000 I COMMAND [conn36] CMD: drop data.page-2
2015-03-29T20:40:46.772+0000 I COMMAND [conn37] CMD: drop data.page-4
2015-03-29T20:40:46.803+0000 I COMMAND [conn38] CMD: drop data.page-3
2015-03-29T20:40:46.822+0000 I COMMAND [conn34] CMD: drop data.page-5
2015-03-29T20:40:46.829+0000 I NETWORK [conn34] end connection (4 connections now open)
2015-03-29T20:40:46.829+0000 I NETWORK [conn35] end connection (3 connections now open)
2015-03-29T20:40:46.829+0000 I NETWORK [conn36] end connection (2 connections now open)
2015-03-29T20:40:46.829+0000 I NETWORK [conn37] end connection (1 connection now open)
2015-03-29T20:40:46.829+0000 I NETWORK [conn38] end connection (0 connections now open)

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