mercredi 1 avril 2015

Find documents with sub-documents matching both of two (or more) properties

In Node with Mongoose I want to find an object in the collection Content. It has a list of sub-documents called users which has the properties stream, user and added. I do this to get all documents with a certain user's _id property in there users.user field.

Content.find( { 'users.user': user._id } ).sort( { 'users.added': -1 } )

This seems to work (although I'm unsure if .sort is really working here. However, I want to match two fields, like this:

Content.find( { 'users.user': user._id, '': stream } } ).sort( { 'users.added': -1 } )

That does not seem to work. What is the right way to do this?

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