jeudi 2 avril 2015

How dynamically assigning values ​​to a property of an object?

I am coding a node module with mssql for node.js, in this module I have a function called sp_recordset which allows to execute a stored procedure by just sending a db conexion, the name of the stored procedure, the parameters, I added a callback function to return my recordset, in the parameters I send an array with the names of the parameters, the values and the SqlServer data types , this is the Array:


This is my function:

exports.sp_recordset = function(conex,storeProcedure,parameters,cb){

var connection = new mssql.Connection(conex, function(err) {

var request = new mssql.Request(connection);

request.input(, mssql.Int, parameters.value);

request.execute(storeProcedure, function(err, recordsets, returnValue) {



In this line line is my problem:

request.input(, mssql.Int, parameters.value);

As I said, the need is a dynamic function, the second parameter (SqlServer Data type also has to by dynamic), which is the best way to assign the data type to mssql? I have tried this but it doesn't works:

request.input(, mssql.(parameters.type), parameters.value);

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