jeudi 16 avril 2015

Read the large document using marklogic Nodejs API

I am trying to read xml/json document using nodejs from marklogic. I have downloaded nodejs API code base from the following URL.

Its working fine for small documents like 500KB. But our requirement to read large document like 2 MB or 10 MB.

Regarding this, We have two case which is as mention below:-

Case 1:- Whenever I am trying to read document using marklogic Nodejs API,I should get more than one chunks but I got only one chunk as response. So for this reason it is not working.

var chunks = 0;
var length = 0;"test.xml").stream('chunked').
on('data', function(chunk) {
length += chunk.length;
on('error', function(error) {
on('end', function() {
console.log('read '+chunks+' chunks of '+length+' length');

Case 2:- Whenever I am trying to read same large document( like 2 MB or 10 MB) using "http-digest-client" package that time its working fine and I get complete xml as response.

var digest = require('http-digest-client')('<Username>', '<password>');
host: '<Host server>',
path: '/v1/documents?uri=test.xml',
port: 8007,
method: 'GET',
}, function (res) {

I have tested this with large document with below mentioned example(please refer below url), but I got same response which I have described in case 1 in above.

As per my requirement I would like to read the large document using marklogic Nodejs API(Case 1).

  1. How can I read large document using marklogic nodejs API?

  2. Is there any option to increase pool memory size or any other memory size?

  3. Is this issue related memory size?

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