vendredi 27 février 2015

Grunt trigger nodejs module and pass in parameter

I want to write a grunt file so that when a file is added to a image folder, grunt will trigger the following nodejs image resize module GruntHandler, passing in the path to the newly added file.

Has anyone had any experience with this?

I am somewhat lost here as how to set it all up and write the grunt file to do this.

This is the code I want to trigger.

// dependencies
var async = require('async');
var gm = require('gm').subClass({ imageMagick: true });
var util = require('util');
var fs = require("fs");

var _800px = {
width: 800,
destinationPath: "large"

var _500px = {
width: 500,
destinationPath: "medium"

var _200px = {
width: 200,
destinationPath: "small"

var _45px = {
width: 45,
destinationPath: "thumbnail"

var _sizesArray = [_800px, _500px, _200px, _45px];

var len = _sizesArray.length;

// handler for dev environment

exports.GruntHandler = function (event, context) {
// Read options from the event.
console.log("Reading options from event:\n", util.inspect(event, {depth: 5}));

var srcFile = event; // file being sent by grunt ---> string url to file

var dstnFile = "/dst";

// Infer the image type.
var typeMatch = srcFile.match(/\.([^.]*)$/);
if (!typeMatch) {
console.error('unable to infer image type for key ' + srcFile);
var imageType = typeMatch[1];
if (imageType != "jpg" && imageType != "png") {
console.log('skipping non-image ' + srcFile);

// Download the image from S3, transform, and upload to same S3 bucket but different folders.
function download(next) {
// Read the image from local file and pass into transform.

fs.readFile(srcFile, function (err, data) {
if (err) {

function transform(response, next) {

for (var i = 0; i<len; i++) {

// Transform the image buffer in memory.
gm(response.Body, srcFile)
.toBuffer(imageType, function(err, buffer) {
if (err) {

} else {
next(null, response.ContentType, buffer);

function upload(contentType, data, next) {

for (var i = 0; i<len; i++) {

// Stream the transformed image to a different folder.
fs.writeFile(dstnFile + "/" + _sizesArray[i].destinationPath + "/" + fileName, function (err, written, buffer) {
if (err) {

], function (err) {
if (err) {
'---->Unable to resize ' + srcFile +
' and upload to ' + dstnFile +
' due to an error: ' + err
} else {
'---->Successfully resized ' + srcFile +
' and uploaded to ' + dstnFile


console.log(" grunt handler called!");

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