dimanche 19 avril 2015

Running and debugging Karma tests in a Docker container

I want to dockerize my entire node.js app and run everything inside a docker container, including tests.

It sounds easy if you're using PhantomJS and I actually tried that and it worked.

One thing I like though about running tests in Chrome - easy debugging. You could start Karma server, open devtools, set a breakpoint in a test file (using debugger statement) and run Karma - it will connect to the server run tests, and stop at the breakpoint, allowing you from there to do all sorts of things.

Now how do I do that in a docker container?

  • Should I start Karma server (with Chrome) on a hosting machine and tell somehow Karma-runner inside the container to connect to it, to run the tests? (How do I do that anyway?)

  • Is it possible to run Chrome in a docker container (it does sound like a silly question, but when I tried docker search desktop bunch of things come up, so I assume it is possible (?)

  • Maybe it's possible to debug tests in PhantomJS (although I doubt it would be as convenient as with Chrome devtools)

Would you please share your experience of running and debugging Karma tests in a docker container?

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